Friday, March 6, 2020

How to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School

How to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School The Lady Eleanor Holles School Type: Independent day school for girls, ages 7 - 18 Fees: Junior School: £5,231 Senior School: £6,315 Registration fee: £100 Deposit: £1,300 The Lady Eleanor Holles School fees include stationary and textbooks. Given sufficient notice, the deposit will also be refunded upon your daughter’s leave from the school. For more details, please contact LEH’s Director of Finance. Current Head: Heather Hanbury About The Lady Eleanor Holles School LEH was founded in the early eighteenth century under the will of its namesake, Lady Eleanor Holles. Thirteen miles from the London city centre, the 24 acre school site rests in the middle of Hampton, Middlesex, and boasts an indoor swimming pool, Learning Resources Centre, Boat House, and a new Arts Centre. LEH aims to encourage each of its 860 pupils to “develop her values, individuality, strength of character and purpose, and her particular talents, so that she may not only gain personal fulfillment, but be a responsible member of society.” Why is it so popular? In 2015, 80% of LEH A Level candidates and 96% of GCSE candidates received A or A* at their respective examinations. In addition to their high academic achievements, LEH maintains their reputation for excellence in sports and music, and offers opportunities for girls to grow in co-educational spaces with the Hampton School for boys right next door. How do I know if The Lady Eleanor Holles School is right for me? LEH’s Open Events provide you and your daughter with the opportunity to tour the school site, meet students and pupils, and chat with senior staff before deciding whether you would like to apply to the school. The next Open Mornings for Junior School (7+) will be on the 8th and 15th November. The  Senior School (11+) Open Morning will be on 1st, 6th, 17th and 22nd November.  Contact the Registrar to book your place for the Senior School and Sixth Form events and entrance exams. Admissions Policy Girls looking to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School at 7+ or 11+ must complete and return their registration form, registration fee, and two identical passport sized photographs to the Registrar before 1st December the year prior to entry. Likewise, girls entering Sixth Form must also complete and return their registration form, registration fee, and two identical passport sized photographs to the Registrar before 10th October the year prior to entry. What are The Lady Eleanor Holles School interviews and examinations like, and how can I do well? If your daughter is entering at 7+, she will first sit two tests in English and Mathematics. LEH will base her academic potential on these results and, if she does well, will invite her to participate in a group activity day with other candidates to assess her social skills and attitude. If your daughter is entering at 11+, she will also sit tests in English and Mathematics, as well as in Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. If LEH thinks your daughter will thrive at their school academically, she will be invited back for an interview. Finally, girls entering at 16+ will write a general Data Analysis paper and four subject specific papers in their nominated A Levels. If your daughter chooses an A Level she has not studied before, she will instead write a entrance examination paper for that subject, the aim of which is to measure her potential, rather than rote knowledge of the subject. As in the lower entry levels, if you daughter does well on her exams, she will be invited to interview with senior members of LEH’s staff. Although LEH does not specify any particular way girls might prepare for their admissions exams and interviews, your daughter may benefit from revising her current school work or writing timed practice tests at home. For an extra boost, consider checking out the number of resource centres available online, or booking a tutor below. Good luck! If you would like more advice on The Lady Eleanor Holles School Admissions: Please note:  Tutorfair is not in anyway affiliated with Lady Elenor Holles School. Tutors who help with school admissions are those who consider they have experience with the admissions process and are completely independent from the school. 1. Search for  11 plus tutors  or Admissions tutors  and your postcode. Tutorfair will show you the top tutors who have the most experience preparing students for entrance exams and interview practice. 2. Contact tutors, view and compare tutor profiles, and send your chosen tutors messages before you buy your lessons. 3. Book and pay for lessons. Pay securely through the website, stress-free: your first hour will be covered by the Tutorfair Satisfaction Guarantee. 4. Make a difference. For every student who pays, we give free tutoring to a child who can't.

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